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Good Health Starts Here

Heilkunst and Homeopathic Medicine

Meet Julie 

I live in Yorkton, SK with my husband, 2 children and 2 cats.  I have graduated with a Practitioner Diploma from the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst and Homeopathy.  I am currently studying to complete my diploma in Animal Heilkunst as well.

I started looking into natural health when I was in my 20's and became ill.  After going to the doctor and having numerous tests done, the doctor could not diagnosis why I was sick and I was just given medication.  I did not want to just take a medication, I needed to find  a way to get healthy again.  A friend introduced me to a relative that was practicing Heilkunst.  She helped me make some changes to my regimen and we got started treating my traumatic timeline.  As we continued to remove the traumas I had endured through my life,  I got healthier.  After many years, Heilkunst and homeopathic medicine are my way of treating not only myself, my family but my pets too. I am so grateful  that I found Heilkunst and so excited to share it with you!

Meet Julie
H and H

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a gentle, yet very effective medicine that stimulates the body to naturally heal itself.  It works on the principle of “like cures like" where a substance that would cause certain symptoms in a healthy person is used to cure those symptoms in an ill person.  These substances or remedies are prepared mainly from natural botanical, biological and mineral sources.  They are given in micro dynamic doses, which increase their therapeutic effect and eliminates any way to cause harm or unnecessary side effects.  Homeopathic remedies are used in the Heilkunst system to treat acute and chronic diseases.  It is non-toxic and completely safe for children, pregnant or nursing women, the elderly and even pets!

What is Heilkunst?   (Heil “Whole” Kunst “Health”)


Heilkunst is an internationally renowned medical system founded over 200 yrs ago by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann.

The highest purpose of Heilkunst is to transform disease into greater health by the way of self-discovery.

~ The only true knowledge, is self-knowledge~

Achieving Health Through Heilkunst

There are three areas of health that are addressed when you are treated using Heilkunst.


This is the realm of lifestyle – diet, exercise, nutrition, supplements, sleep, hydration, relaxation, etc. Here we find imbalances because of too little or too much of something that is needed by our organism to function properly.


This is the realm of disease proper. Disease is not simply an imbalance, but a deeper impairment of our life force. To correct this impairment, a substance is needed that can remove it (called cure), which is a homeopathic medicine or remedy. This realm consists mainly of the treatment of various shocks and traumas (physical and emotional) acquired in our lifetime, as well as the potential for various inherited diseases (chronic miasms) that we carried into this world with us, a gift from our parents at conception.  

The Sequential Timeline Treatment is this incredible healing process where we examine the emotional, physical and iatrogenic traumas that the client has endured.  We also look at the moments in time in which they have been afflicted with the given problem.  Then we sequentially give the appropriate remedies for each trauma!  You may benefit from treatment if you wish to be free from the past and clear all of the traumas from the current moment back to birth/conception.  Each traumatic event has taken a toll on your Life Force.  When we suffer from our past traumas, it holds us back and it alters the path of our life’s direction.   

Therapeutic Education

One of the greatest contributors to ill health is false beliefs about ourselves and the world. We may think that no one loves us, that we are not good enough to be successful, or any of a number of false thoughts. These can easily be shown to be untrue, but they dominate our thoughts and end up shaping the nature of our world. If we think we are not worthy, we will do things (even unconsciously) to undermine our success; if we think we are not loveable, we will take actions that drive love away. These levels generally are addressed in the order given above: regimen, medicine and therapeutic education.

What is a healing reaction and why they are necessary?

A healing reaction is usually experienced by the patient, on average, 12-15 days after taking the remedy. It is the body's way of acting to restore balance after the remedy has expelled the blockage or trauma.  The patient may experience a discharge  (such as a runny nose, headache, more frequent urination, nausea, rash etc.).  This may last 1-3 days but will be followed by an improved state. The healing reaction is necessary for both healing and curing which is a good sign.

Bottles of Homeopathy Globules


What to expect during treatment

Since every case is different and depends entirely on the individual, the length of treatment can vary.  At the initial consultation the patient will bring their completed patient form as well as their sequential timeline of shocks/traumas.  We will go through your regimen (supplements, exercise, diet, etc.) and the ways in which you can do more to assist the healing powers of your body. We also deal with any acute (present) symptoms as well as constitutional treatment (who you are).  You will be given a drainage remedy which helps support your organs, an anxiety/stress dropper because everyone deals with stress on a daily basis, and an emotions dropper since emotions play a big part in our health.  The droppers are dispensed in glass amber bottles and instructions on how to take is labelled on each bottle.  This brings us to treating your traumatic timeline.  The timeline clearings are  treated with “powders” that are taken once a day consecutively for 3-4 days as prescribed.  They come in a little brown envelope with instructions.  This first appointment may take up to 2 hours and then each follow up is every 2 months and about an hour long.  All my fees include droppers and at least 2 timeline clearings.

Appointments can be in person, over the phone or through email.  I do prefer doing the initial consult in person to get to know you to be able to help you better.  Follow ups can be done through phone or email and remedies mailed out to you.


Initial Consultation ( 2 hrs ) $150 

Follow-up Appointments ( 1hr ) $75​​ 

Children (18 & under):

Initial Consultation $140

Follow-up Appointments $65

Discounts given for each additional family member being treated.  Not in combination with other discounts.

Consultations may be covered through major health insurance companies under the naturopathic, homeopathic or holistic nutritionist component of your coverage.


Additional Fees

Acute Appointments (in between follow-ups) via phone or email with remedies $40

Failure to keep a scheduled appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice $25

Individual dropper bottles between appointments $7.00


A Heilkunstler is trained within the context of the philosophy of knowledge and a rational scientific framework based on universal laws of nature related to curing and healing.  This means that everything applied to the patient, homeopathic or regimenal is continuously evaluated against their overall health and whether or not it is moving forward while symptoms and conditions are being eliminated.

Your Health Starts Here

Please contact me with any questions or if you would like to start your journey with Heilkunst.

Contact Info



Yorkton, Saskatchewan

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